Important Documents



Documents relating to the Kern River Parkway


The Kern River Plan, 1985

This is a General Plan Element, adopted under Section 65301, Government Code, for land subject to jurisdiction of the City of Bakersfield and to the jurisdiction of the County of Kern. The Plan includes the primary and secondary floodways of the Kern River; an outer boundary was established to show the relationship of the proposed uses within the primary and secondary floodways with those uses that already exist or are shown on the existing General Plans of the City and County. The total area of the Plan is 14,250 acres.



Kern River Public Access Com. vs. City of Bakersfield, 1985

The final decision in this lawsuit agreed that George Nickell’s Kern River Development Co. must grant a public easement along the bank of the Kern River in order to sell river-front homes.



Kern River Channel Maintenance Plan, 1985

This plan provides protection for flood control and defines the riparian vegetation line.



Biological Resources Study, 1987

This study was done as part of the general plan update EIR. It describes the biological character of the site (Kern River Parkway) in terms of vegetation, flora, wildlife, and wildlife habitats and analyzes the biological significance of the site in view of Federal, State and local laws and policies.



Ordinance #3126, 1987

This ordinance forbids OHVs in the primary and secondary floodplain of the Kern River



Truxtun Lake

This long-term agreement with Kern County Water Agency Improvement Section #4 provides a year-round water supply for Truxtun Lake.



Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP), 1994

This program was created by the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern. Established the first multi-species HCP in the state of California under the following permits: Section 10(a)(1)(B), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Section 2081, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Agency (CDFW)



Specific Trails Plan for the City of Bakersfield, 2003

The purpose of this document is to develop a comprehensive Specific Trails Plan to guide the planning and development of multi-use trails along the Kern River corridor. The alignment of the trail system is from the Manor Street over crossing in Bakersfield, traversing easterly along the Kern River to the eastern side of the Kern County Golf Course. The Kern River Specific Trails Plan will establish a network of public trails that will invite residents to enjoy public open space, parks and recreational facilities within and adjacent to the river boundaries. Trails will provide the community with valuable opportunities for recreation, exercise, wildlife viewing, and environmental education, thereby enhancing the quality of life in Kern County.



Specific Parks and Trails Plan for Northeast Bakersfield, 2003

This plan includes a plan map, policies and standards for the location and development of parks, staging areas, and trails for the area generally located within the jurisdiction of the city of Bakersfield, north of HIghway 178 to Alfred Harrell Highway, east of the City’s abandoned Panorama Dr. landfill site to Rancheria Rd.



Hillside Development Ordinance, 2006

This ordinance is an amendment to the General Plan. It designates a HD Zone which serves as an overlay zone. The overlay zone would generally apply to those areas along the City’s hillsides having natural slopes of 8% or more. The ordinance provides additional requirements, in addition to those given in the original Hillside Development Ordinance, to protect views and to regulate grading, roadway grades, and wildfire prevention efforts. It also addresses prevention of hillside instability and landslides, and includes measures for preserving identified scenic viewsheds within the land area affected by the Ordinance.



Kern County Parks and Recreation master plan, 2010

The primary purpose of this master plan is to help guide decision makers in the development of the Kern County park system over the next twenty years. The recommendations, goals and strategies were developed based on an assessment of all existing County parks and public input to identify community priorities.



Bicycle Transportation plan, 2013

This plan provides a blueprint for making bicycling an integral part of daily life in Bakersfield and supports the goals of the Bakersfield General Plan Circulation Element and other plans and policies adopted by the City. The purpose of this Plan is to identify strategic expansion of the existing network, complete network gaps, provide greater connectivity, educate, and encourage the public, and to maximize funding sources.



Kern River Flow EIR, 2016

This document is a Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Kern River Flow and Municipal Water Program (Program or Proposed Program) (State Clearinghouse #2011021042), prepared by the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15088.5.

The City of Bakersfield, as Lead Agency under CEQA, proposes this Program to increase and restore more water flows to the Kern River channel with the goals of protecting and preserving the local water supply, environment, and quality of life for City residents. To implement City policies, and to provide water for prior and ongoing City projects, the City will attempt to increase and restore stream flows in the Kern River channel more consistently during the year, primarily below the Calloway Weir. The Proposed Program would use existing water supplies and new, additional water supplies obtained through the